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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Needs & Challenges in Continuing Education


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Incumbents need additional training in soft skills areas, such as leadership, supervision, interpersonal communication, cross-generational communication, adaptation, customer service, and goal-setting. Additional training is also needed to enhance technical skills. This includes topics such as basic computer programs and technology, electronic medical records, dementia care, and ER care. Additional refresher courses are also needed for nurses re-entering the workforce.

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"For us, it goes back to the leadership and communication. A lot of them—we have really good nurses—and we lose them because they don't want to deal with the other employees. They don't want to deal with families yelling at them. So, it's not the clinical piece, but I do think that we struggle a lot of times with them taking the leadership role." Central
"I'm going to say communication. If you look at cause analysis of when things don't go well, one of the items that seems like it's always there is lack of communication. So, how do we increase our comfort level with that skill? How do we get more comfortable with that?" Central
"I think being a member in the health care team—it's not about the nurses, the doctors, the laboratory people, the pharmacy people—we all, you know, all the way to the people that are doing the laundry, need to understand that we all are intertwined together and are part of a team. So, we are trying to do that internally, to say, 'You are important,' to all levels of staff. And we're working on it, but it's hard. It's hard for them. Some of their salaries are a lot less than the salaries of the RNs. And do they do a lot less for their degrees? No, not necessarily. They have to keep up on new technology and testing, just like anybody else." Central
"To get to other things we are talking about, for instance, to build teamwork—how do you pull them together? Where do you find the time and the resource to get these other things accomplished?" Central
"Part of that demographic is that we are getting some of the older workers, but our technology is advancing. They don't need just the clinical training, they need the technology training, too." Central
"Some of it's the computers. And some of it's just the equipment that they are using now that maybe wasn't used before." Central
"Employer 1: There's a rapid rate of change in our organization, and I'm assuming that's happening in other health care organizations as well. And for people to be able to adapt to that change is not a bad thing. Change is a good thing. And, so, it's somewhat of a mindset. I think that as people have been on, let's say, electronic health records longer, they can and do learn. And it's not the new students that have trouble with technology, it's the existing employees because the new physicians, the new nurses, they are like: click, click, click. All good to go.

Employer 2: More of the incumbent work force—they could use some technology development.

Employer 1: But as your organization advances with an electronic record, they pick that up. You know people can do that."