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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


The quotes below are about this issue:
Retirement: Many nurses are approaching retirement age, but are delaying retirement. This makes it difficult for employers to strategically hire and train new employees in preparation for a wave of retirements. This, too, fuels concern about an increase in shortages of experienced workers.

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"Well, one of the things that we've noticed is that all of the forecasts for shortages of nurses—or shortages of this or that—have come to pass much more slowly than we anticipated, probably because of the economy. People are working longer than folks used to and that's not just in health care and that's not just in nursing. That's true of the aging workforce, across the board, in this country—they're staying at work. Their 401ks took a dip and various different things. We're living longer, so they may not have enough money to cover those extra years. So, people are staying at work, including the RNs that we forecasted a shortage of. It's a funny thing because we know it's going to happen. You can't keep working forever. So, eventually, the people that we expected to retire will retire, but we don't know when." Northeast
"So, we can't quit producing the replacement folks, but they aren't getting jobs as fast as they probably expected because the older folks aren't retiring as expected." Northeast