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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Health Care

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


The quotes below are about this issue:
The roles of health care professionals are changing as the health care industry moves from an acute care model to a community care model. Nurses will be working 'at the top of their degree' and taking on new roles with the possible development of new supporting occupations.

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"I think, within the next one to three years, more and more health care will be moved out of our hospitals and will be provided in the in home setting. So, how do you manage that? Working with tele-health and things like that when students are not getting those skills in class today? Yet, that's where that care is going to be delivered." Southeast
"There is so much change. And you're trying to match up the change that's happening in the industry. Because we're re-defining a lot of these roles, too—what an RN does versus what an LPN does versus what an aide does—and stratifying these types of things because there are cost factors that are at play. So, when we're changing roles it's not specific to the license, it's the work that's being done and how we might have different kinds of positions working in teams a little differently. And I think that's happening across the entire industry just because of pressures with reimbursements and a lot of those types of challenges." Southeast
"As we continue to transform the care delivery process, I think we're looking at maybe developing a couple of new types of roles. Again, it's stratifying who needs to do what. I guess the phrase that we would use is that everybody is working to the top of their license. And so, doctors are working to the top of their licenses. And NPs, PAs, RNs, LPNs, and aides are all working to the top of their licenses, too. So, we don't have RNs doing aide work, for example. And really stratifying that so that we use our resources to the best of their abilities. And that's the evolution that we're in right now. And we don't have enough doctors and we don't have enough NPs and PAs to deal with what's hitting the systems now. And so those become the ways that we look at how we can meet people's needs in a different way." Southeast
"You know, you're starting to stratify even more than you normally do because it's a cost issue. And it's necessary based on the demand that's out there. So, if there is growth it's not going to be in—I don't really see it in the RN roles. It may be in the LPN roles, but you might have medical assistants that might have—we might come up with new titles. I don't know. But I don't think it's going to be in those hiring positions." Southeast