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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Information Technology (IT)

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


The quotes below are about this issue:
Internships and other forms of practical experience, such as working at a college IT desk or building a program in the candidate's spare time, are highly sought after in new hires.

Employer Quote Region Sort descending
"Somebody who has no experience, but has an A+ grade average? I'm taking the person that has the experience every time." Northwest
"Employer: I should mention that co-op and intern-type positions are huge.

Question: So, you want to see at least an internship?

Employer: It certainly helps. It moves you up to the top of the ladder. I also love seeing when somebody's worked a fast food job because, you know, those jobs are tough. We want someone who has worked at jobs that are tough, that are hard, where they don't get paid much, and they have to bust their butt. If you make it through those, that's awesome."
"The other thing that comes from an employee having prior work experience is that they then appreciate it when they have a good employer. Sometimes people come in the door and they don't have other work experience, so they don't realize how good they've got it." Northwest
"I think an internship should be a requirement. And if the students are not going to go get one, I'll tell you right now, it really reduces their chance at getting employed. We look for that internship every time." Northwest
"When they leave school and they go to apply for that first job and they have an internship on their resume, we're not necessarily looking to see if they got paid or not. But if it says it was an unpaid internship, then they're elevated one more step above the other candidates, for sure, from our perspective." Northwest
"As someone who had the opportunity to take an internship, yeah, it does set you apart. And when I was in the classroom I'd say, 'Anything you can do to set yourself apart makes you look that much better in the eyes of employers. It shows that you're self-motivated.' So, again, it's the motivation on the part of the student." Northwest