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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Occupation-Specific Skills


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Respondents who represent system automation technology and machine technology occupations state they need workers with skills in quality inspection, maintenance, and program logic controls (PLCs). They also say that higher order computer skills are essential.

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"Our trend is that—as we continue with our industry—quality becomes more and more important. And that's not going to go away. We're going to continue the quality inspectors, but our machinists are required to be inspectors as well. So, that's where that gap is—they do inspection on their part while at the machine—but they don't have that basic skill." Metro
"Employer 1: We have a lot of employees that need quality precision training.

Employer 2: Yeah. I think if you're going to call someone a tech school grad, then that training should be already done.

Employer 1: We don't want to have to re-train on that. That's an accepted standard."
"They've got the basic technical skills. We haven't really found a lot of gap there other than maybe some lean manufacturing training." Metro
"We're going more and more towards the automation and robotics. I was a little surprised, actually, that the data suggested that the supply was greater than the demand. I don't know about that. But I'm not in Metro, I'm out-state.

And it's not just needing the very high-level programming people, but also the people that are skilled to do the maintenance on whatever is required for automation programs. And it seems like—at least at our place—our lower-level people will call the more mid-level person, maybe at three in the morning, to say that a particular piece of machinery isn't working. It's not necessarily a call about a mechanical failure; it could be anything from a switch to maybe some sort of programming bug. Technology is great, but we've got to have the people that keep it going."
"There was an initiative done to add a job description or a job title at the Department of Labor level for a quality inspector, qualified as a metrologist, and it got denied. So, if it doesn't come from there, we all will have to—I don't know if I'll say 'suffer the consequences'—but we'll have to just pay for it." Metro