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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Manufacturing

They are talking about this topic: Experience & Credentials


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Employers provide a great deal of on-the-job training to new hires. Even new hires who have graduated with a certificate or a degree must be trained on the specific equipment used by that particular facility.

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"Then there's the tool and die making, of course, that's one issue. But this is the actual set-up people, the operators, that's where we're having an issue of finding qualified people that can come in and help us without needing further training—quite a bit of further training—to train them on how to do their job. Currently, we have to train those people in-house. That costs money, and it takes away from production." Metro
"Well, obviously, I'd like to have somebody that's worked on that specific piece of equipment before; someone who knows which button to push to start it, how to load it, how to put the tools into it, and how make it run—that'd be the dream, but that's not reality. Even after two years or more of training, you still have to train them on that specific piece." Metro