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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers see the continuing education of incumbent workers as essential. Many employers, particularly those who hire technicians and general automotive repair workers currently provide ongoing education for their employees.

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"It's a personality issue. Some people just have that drive in them and they always want to learn. They're always taking a test and they're always achieving their certifications year after year. And then there are guys that get their certifications and it's like pulling teeth getting them, and you got to try to get them maintained to keep them. So it's more of a personality thing. As a dealership, I know the information is always there for them. It's just a motivational thing." Northwest
"In the industry that we're in, working with new car manufacturers, obviously continued training with continued support [is important]. There are certain things that are required. If we have technicians that are not certified in that particular area, [and] fix a car under warranty, the manufacturer looks at it and 'says your tech wasn't trained, we're not going to pay.' So we're out of money. So basically you don't have a choice." Northwest
"There's continued support through Honda, through Chrysler, not only from a technical standpoint, but for the people that interact with customers on a daily basis. They have training that way." Northwest
"An experienced technician who came to us and had a lot of time in the industry, they would have to [get] specific training because of the familiarity with all the other systems in the car...but the way a certain manufacturer does things would come easier to them." Northwest
"But there's a cost to training...because we're paying them to be at the dealership and also paying for them to be trained. And the training is not inexpensive, and it obviously makes the individual no different than going through a program at school. They're more valuable for the company." Northwest
"As a company we have to do a lot of career planning to make sure they're getting the right training when they're with us so that they want to stay in that field." Northwest
"It's ongoing...every day I have at least one or two guys on a computer somewhere. After their training there's hands-on someplace...whether they fly somewhere in the country or...we have core training facilities for us." Northwest
"You try to run the business, but training is a huge expense. But if you're going to keep the people that you have with you, it's a requirement. You've got to invest in them or they're going to take off and go somewhere else." Northwest
"We use [the state college] for some specialized training. And that's a great thing. We also send them...and we'll pay for their college to go learn. It does not have to be specific to what they're doing. They can be a tech and want to be in management, and if they wish to take a different course than what we're offering for them to progress there, we'll pay for it. We fly them all over the country for the trainings, we do the online [training]. But [the state college] has done a great job in giving them the basic skills to begin with. Once you get them, you train them in your specific thing." Northwest
"And that's what we talk about, is the training that we're going to offer, all the things that the company has to offer. That's including the online. We spend about four or five thousand bucks a year per person, just on training. That's an annual expense. We know that we have to just because of the industry." Northwest
"That's one of the important things you have to look at: it's an annual investment. It's not an expense. It's an investment in keeping the people for 30 or 40 years. You can't view that as an expense. It's something you have to do..." Northwest
"Well, if [incumbents] want to be in the business, they need to stay on top of what's going on. And some are very receptive." Northwest