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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Current Continuing Education


The quotes below are about this issue:
Employers use a variety of modalities for ongoing education, including using online training; bringing in manufacturer representatives for training; and sending employees to hands-on factory training. Relatively few employers mentioned using universities or technical colleges for continuing education.

Employer Quote Region Sort descending
"Most continuing education is online. So it definitely improved their delivery of education. It's easy." Northwest
"There's continued support through Honda, through Chrysler, not only from a technical standpoint but for the people that interact with customers on a daily basis, they have training that way." Northwest
"They have [training] for everything. They have it for specialty areas of automotive repairs, they have it for service writers. There are extracurricular seminars." Northwest
"I had a service writer. I sent her to California to Automotive Institute for three days. We got into a lot of Volkswagen, Audi stuff. We took four guys to Allentown, PA, for four days. And when you sit down in that kind of training session your results are huge because, first of all, [it affects] the technician's self-worth. He knows that you've invested in him or her to a whole other level." Northwest
"And so maybe through the schools...maybe we can bring some of those aftermarket specialists in to teach little seminars to help get these specialized types of training?and net worth to the employee. In aftermarket repair there's all kinds of conventions. Whether it's in the transmission business, which is [company], and they have an under-car show through TransDigest and Automotive Institute...and all these people have training that is just phenomenal." Northwest
"The problem is our location. It's hard to get anyone to fly to Fargo. You can get them to fly to Minneapolis to do a training. We go to Minneapolis a lot to do the training. We can drive, and they drive from seven states to Minneapolis when we go there. But it's certainly a doable thing. How much easier does it get, if you can get someone to fly to Fargo and talk to you, whether it's Automotive Institute...and it has to be training on fixing, not training on what's coming out today that you're not going to see for five years." Northwest
"We have a lot of online stuff that's available through [vendors]. So they can go online and do it. It's all year. They're updating it all year long. They have workbooks they send out. It's continuous...they're training all the time.
Q: Are your employees fairly responsive to the online stuff?
A: Well, if they want to be in the business, they need to stay on top of what's going on. And some are very receptive. It's about six thousand dollars a month at a [manufacturer] store in Bannister."
"Our workforce goes to Denver for training." Northwest
"We get training through General Motors. They have a lot of online [training]. Online because they have hands-on courses in Minneapolis, Chicago, and Houston." Northwest
"It's ongoing...every day I have at least one or two guys on a computer somewhere. After their training there's hands-on someplace...whether they fly somewhere in the country or...we have core training facilities for us. So at one of our core training facilities there are classes offered. We also have non-industry specific leadership training." Northwest
"We use [the state college] for some specialized training. And that's a great thing. We also send them...and we'll pay for their college to go learn. We fly them all over the country for the trainings, and we do the onlines." Northwest
"We spend about four or five thousand bucks a year per person, just on training. That's an annual expense." Northwest