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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Workforce Trends & Challenges


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Many employers have positive comments about current training programs and the workforce readiness of new hires. They say many new hires have strong skills and need minimal training.

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"My personal feeling is, is that that applicant walks in with the credentials that says, 'I've been through that program.' These programs have been here for a long time, and we've had great success with them. And out of 13 people, 10 of them have been through some type of program. Most of them locally here. And we've been absolutely thrilled with what we've got and being trained from that point." Central
"We have some people that are coming in, and they may not have the degree, but they have some relatively decent experience. And we're really looking at those people. And we just hired one lately, actually, and he's been wonderful. And we're mentoring them?we're training him and bringing him along. And I think that's kind of what we're going to have to do." Central
"They're definitely not as afraid of technology as I was when I was working on cars. They're willing to grab and program and all those kinds of things. It doesn't mean they're doing it the right way or getting the right answer as quick as an experienced person could. But it definitely is a different mindset with a little technology savvy." Central