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Employer Quotes

The quotes below are from employers in this industry: Transportation

They are talking about this topic: Industry Trends


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Participants speak of the image of the automotive industry as being outdated and in need of change, particularly in order to recruit young workers. In the case of automotive repair, the industry is often stereotyped as "greasy" and requiring only mechanical skills. In reality, the industry has experienced vast technological changes and now requires a complex set of both mechanical and IT skills. Similarly, commercial truck driving is often seen in the light of negative stereotypes that do not accurately reflect the viable careers that the industry offers.

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"We're getting a lot of kids coming in on these programs that are special needs kids. We need people that understand electronics and we need the counselors to position these kids towards the automotive industry. It's not happening right now." Metro
"I think what we really need is a glamour campaign. We're sitting here picking out the tricky parts of our business, but I tell you what, I can speak longer and more emotionally about the cool parts of our business. Look at a lot of us. Look what we're doing. I graduated from Richfield and I was a car guy. I liked cars and here I am, so the fact that counselors will throw you and say you got to go to college, you're a bright one, you don't want to do that. Well, that's embarrassing and insulting. I think we need some sort of a glamour campaign to talk about our industry as a viable career choice for the bright, young kids." Metro
"When you look at Europe, you don't see that. I mean, I think a mechanic is looked up to more, but the U.S., those professions seem to be looked down on in the U.S. That just seems to be us Americans, the way we are." Metro
"They think it's Fonzie walking out with a dirty rag." Metro
"Q: So the idea then is having the image— and that's the piece that the colleges can help on.
A: Absolutely."